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High-Speed Electronic Transmission Interface Packaging Design and Testing Talent Training and Technology Center


In response to the high-speed transmission processing requirements for colossal data volume in the 5G era, various transmission interface technologies are also evolving toward higher performance specifications.
Thus industry-related technicians are in high demand. Approved by the Ministry of Education, the university received a subsidy of NT$ 100 million for developing a“High-Speed Electronic Transmission Interface Packaging Design and Testing Talent Training and Technology Center” in 2022.


Two existing “industrial elite training and demonstration” bases have laid the foundation for the development of a “High-Speed Electronic TransmissionInterface Packaging Design and Testing TalentTraining and Technology Center,” including a “3D-Digital Circuit Board Design and IntelligentManufacturing Production Line Factory” and a “(5G)Mobile Communication Module Testing and TuningIndustrial Environment Factory.” Both factories have established practical technology and R&D capacities to design and test high-speed transmission interface electronic packaging, set up electronic assembly layouts, designs, testing research and development, verification, and other related laboratories. Academic programs and partner-school seed teacher training supplement the factories and labs. Together they have formed a technical guidance team to assist inindustrial upgrading and to cultivate students' professional ability to fully dock with the development of the national electronics industry and become practical technicians of Taiwan’s electronics industry.


研究主題 Research Topics

Provide high-speed transmission interface design, testing, and verification to ensure signal integrity




High-Speed Electronic Transmission Interface Packaging Design Lab.

設計面 Design

1.串音耦合(NEXT、FEXT) 、共模差模轉換

Crosstalk coupling (NEXT, FEXT), Common mode differential mode conversion


Transmission delay, Transmission delay difference

High-Speed Electronic Transmission Interface Packaging Layout Lab.

設計面 Design

1.串音耦合(NEXT、FEXT) 、共模差模轉換

Crosstalk coupling (NEXT, FEXT), Common mode differential mode conversion


Transmission delay, Transmission delay difference

測試&驗證 Test&Verification

1. 眼圖分析、誤碼率、時間抖動等參數量測

Eye pattern analysis, bit error rate, time jitter and other parameters measurement

2. 量測治具開發、量測治具校正

Measurement fixture development, measurement fixture calibration
